White X Cognac 750ml


France - Cognac - 40% - Crafted in the heart of the Grand Champagne region of the Cognac AOC Region of France, using the finest Ugni Blanc grapes with hints of other grape varietals, & a youthful aging process to give it its unique yet simple taste profile.

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France - Cognac - 40% - Crafted in the heart of the Grand Champagne region of the Cognac AOC Region of France, using the finest Ugni Blanc grapes with hints of other grape varietals, & a youthful aging process to give it its unique yet simple taste profile.

Cointreau Liqueur

France - Cognac - 40% - Crafted in the heart of the Grand Champagne region of the Cognac AOC Region of France, using the finest Ugni Blanc grapes with hints of other grape varietals, & a youthful aging process to give it its unique yet simple taste profile.

Bisquit & Dubouche VSOP Cognac
Davidoff Cognac VSOP
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Ciroc VS Brandy
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Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac 750ml
Hennessy Paradis