Pernod Anise Pastis 750ml


France- Pernod is actually a successor of absinthe, the potent liquor popular in the 19th century. The exotic bouquet, when tasted neat, is potent and bittersweet; with the addition of water, it turns milky-opaque and has a long, licorice-like finish.

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France- Pernod is actually a successor of absinthe, the potent liquor popular in the 19th century. The exotic bouquet, when tasted neat, is potent and bittersweet; with the addition of water, it turns milky-opaque and has a long, licorice-like finish.

France- Pernod is actually a successor of absinthe, the potent liquor popular in the 19th century. The exotic bouquet, when tasted neat, is potent and bittersweet; with the addition of water, it turns milky-opaque and has a long, licorice-like finish.

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Ricard Pastis Liqueur
Two James Nain Rouge Absinthe 750ml