Dorda Salted Caramel Liqueur 750ml

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Dorda Salted Caramel Liqueur is a delightful pairing of sweet caramel, a dash of the finest sea salt, and Chopin Rye Vodka. The result is creamy, smooth and irresistible. Enjoy on ice, with coffee, or mixed in your favorite cocktail.

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Dorda Salted Caramel Liqueur is a delightful pairing of sweet caramel, a dash of the finest sea salt, and Chopin Rye Vodka. The result is creamy, smooth and irresistible. Enjoy on ice, with coffee, or mixed in your favorite cocktail.

Chopin Potato Vodka
Crown Royal Regal Apple Canadian Whisky

Dorda Salted Caramel Liqueur is a delightful pairing of sweet caramel, a dash of the finest sea salt, and Chopin Rye Vodka. The result is creamy, smooth and irresistible. Enjoy on ice, with coffee, or mixed in your favorite cocktail.

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