Burl & Sprig Fifth Element White Rum 750ml
Panama- Following a traditional Cuban rum making process, known as "Carta Blanca", this rum is aged in ex-bourbon casks for at least 3 years. It is then blended with just enough 28 year rum to cut down the sharp edges, then filtered through activated carbon filters to remove the color.
Panama- Following a traditional Cuban rum making process, known as "Carta Blanca", this rum is aged in ex-bourbon casks for at least 3 years. It is then blended with just enough 28 year rum to cut down the sharp edges, then filtered through activated carbon filters to remove the color.
Panama- Following a traditional Cuban rum making process, known as "Carta Blanca", this rum is aged in ex-bourbon casks for at least 3 years. It is then blended with just enough 28 year rum to cut down the sharp edges, then filtered through activated carbon filters to remove the color.