Espolon Anejo Tequila 750ml

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Mexico - This excellent tequila has been aged 12 months in white-oak barrels, during which time the spirit aquires delicate hints of vanilla and butterscotch in addition to the other flavors of ripened agave and warm earth. Characterized by its deep, golden color.

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Mexico - This excellent tequila has been aged 12 months in white-oak barrels, during which time the spirit aquires delicate hints of vanilla and butterscotch in addition to the other flavors of ripened agave and warm earth. Characterized by its deep, golden color.

Mexico - This excellent tequila has been aged 12 months in white-oak barrels, during which time the spirit aquires delicate hints of vanilla and butterscotch in addition to the other flavors of ripened agave and warm earth. Characterized by its deep, golden color.

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