Patron Gran Platinum Tequila 750ml

Only 1 available

Mexico - This triple distilled tequila is made from 100% Agave, and aged to smooth sipping perfection. Grown on the hills of Jalisco, it is known as the finest Platinum tequila produced by Patron. Enjoy a smooth sip.

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Mexico - This triple distilled tequila is made from 100% Agave, and aged to smooth sipping perfection. Grown on the hills of Jalisco, it is known as the finest Platinum tequila produced by Patron. Enjoy a smooth sip.

Mexico - This triple distilled tequila is made from 100% Agave, and aged to smooth sipping perfection. Grown on the hills of Jalisco, it is known as the finest Platinum tequila produced by Patron. Enjoy a smooth sip.

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