Hussong's Anejo Tequila 750ml

Only 2 available

Mexico - A superior sipping tequila. Aged in whiskey barrels for at least 15 months, this 100% agave tequila is gold in color with a smooth and balanced taste. Refined and complex, the palate features notes of caramel and vanilla, a hint of aromatic spice, and a toasted oak finish.

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Mexico - A superior sipping tequila. Aged in whiskey barrels for at least 15 months, this 100% agave tequila is gold in color with a smooth and balanced taste. Refined and complex, the palate features notes of caramel and vanilla, a hint of aromatic spice, and a toasted oak finish.

Mexico - A superior sipping tequila. Aged in whiskey barrels for at least 15 months, this 100% agave tequila is gold in color with a smooth and balanced taste. Refined and complex, the palate features notes of caramel and vanilla, a hint of aromatic spice, and a toasted oak finish.

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