Ghost Reposado Spicy Tequila 750ml

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Mexico - Ghost Tequila is a marriage of flavors from around the world- namely 100% agave tequila from Jalisco, Mexico and the infamous, India-born ghost pepper. This 80 proof spicy shooter isn't for the faint of heart and will linger on your tongue long after it's gone.

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Mexico - Ghost Tequila is a marriage of flavors from around the world- namely 100% agave tequila from Jalisco, Mexico and the infamous, India-born ghost pepper. This 80 proof spicy shooter isn't for the faint of heart and will linger on your tongue long after it's gone.

Mexico - Ghost Tequila is a marriage of flavors from around the world- namely 100% agave tequila from Jalisco, Mexico and the infamous, India-born ghost pepper. This 80 proof spicy shooter isn't for the faint of heart and will linger on your tongue long after it's gone.

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