Tequila Ocho Plata 750ml
Mexico- Sweetly floral nose with extra ripe agaves and candied fruit presenting themselves. Citrus, cinnamon, dried fruit and almond on the palate with a lingering hint of spearmint on the finish. Chairman's Trophy & Top 100 Spirits - Ultimate Spirits Challenge 2020. Additive Free.
Mexico- Sweetly floral nose with extra ripe agaves and candied fruit presenting themselves. Citrus, cinnamon, dried fruit and almond on the palate with a lingering hint of spearmint on the finish. Chairman's Trophy & Top 100 Spirits - Ultimate Spirits Challenge 2020. Additive Free.
![Agalima Margarita Mix 1l](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/65d6137ce964ce17d31b1b57/1711045524238-UJ7E1L2BYZEDZ57YAIAB/YRUAL-3217495705.png)
Mexico- Sweetly floral nose with extra ripe agaves and candied fruit presenting themselves. Citrus, cinnamon, dried fruit and almond on the palate with a lingering hint of spearmint on the finish. Chairman's Trophy & Top 100 Spirits - Ultimate Spirits Challenge 2020. Additive Free.