Tequila Ocho Reposado 750ml


Mexico- Strong, broad floral presence on the nose along with sweet agave. Oak accents. Initial flavors of soft, ripe agave followed by balanced fruit and acidity for smooth taste with a subtle oak presence. Oak continues into finish with soft tannin notes and lingering agave sweetness. Additive Free.

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Mexico- Strong, broad floral presence on the nose along with sweet agave. Oak accents. Initial flavors of soft, ripe agave followed by balanced fruit and acidity for smooth taste with a subtle oak presence. Oak continues into finish with soft tannin notes and lingering agave sweetness. Additive Free.

Mexico- Strong, broad floral presence on the nose along with sweet agave. Oak accents. Initial flavors of soft, ripe agave followed by balanced fruit and acidity for smooth taste with a subtle oak presence. Oak continues into finish with soft tannin notes and lingering agave sweetness. Additive Free.

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