Effen Vodka 750ml

Only 3 available

Holland- EFFEN Vodka is a continuously distilled Ultra-Premium Vodka with a smooth, clean and crisp flavor. The word EFFEN literally means "smooth" in Dutch, which explains why all of our flavors can be enjoyed straight or in a cocktail.

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Holland- EFFEN Vodka is a continuously distilled Ultra-Premium Vodka with a smooth, clean and crisp flavor. The word EFFEN literally means "smooth" in Dutch, which explains why all of our flavors can be enjoyed straight or in a cocktail.

Holland- EFFEN Vodka is a continuously distilled Ultra-Premium Vodka with a smooth, clean and crisp flavor. The word EFFEN literally means "smooth" in Dutch, which explains why all of our flavors can be enjoyed straight or in a cocktail.

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