Buzzard's Roost Toasted American Oak Bourbon 750ml
Toasted American Oak Bourbon lends itself to caramel, coconut, and vanilla notes met with delicate candy aromas. The palate moves from the sweet notes from the toasted oak barrel finish, and notes of confectionery and baking spice flavors shine through.
Toasted American Oak Bourbon lends itself to caramel, coconut, and vanilla notes met with delicate candy aromas. The palate moves from the sweet notes from the toasted oak barrel finish, and notes of confectionery and baking spice flavors shine through.
Toasted American Oak Bourbon lends itself to caramel, coconut, and vanilla notes met with delicate candy aromas. The palate moves from the sweet notes from the toasted oak barrel finish, and notes of confectionery and baking spice flavors shine through.