Crown Royal Single Malt 750ml

Only 2 available

The new single malt whisky is distilled from 100% malted barley grains. As is stated on the packaging, the whisky is “delicately crafted in the Canadian cold”, making use of the country’s cool climate, much like that of Scotland. This delicate distillation, according to the press release, “ gives the whisky an even smoother and inviting taste to be enjoyed by both newcomers to the world of elevated whisky and connoisseurs alike.” 

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The new single malt whisky is distilled from 100% malted barley grains. As is stated on the packaging, the whisky is “delicately crafted in the Canadian cold”, making use of the country’s cool climate, much like that of Scotland. This delicate distillation, according to the press release, “ gives the whisky an even smoother and inviting taste to be enjoyed by both newcomers to the world of elevated whisky and connoisseurs alike.” 

The new single malt whisky is distilled from 100% malted barley grains. As is stated on the packaging, the whisky is “delicately crafted in the Canadian cold”, making use of the country’s cool climate, much like that of Scotland. This delicate distillation, according to the press release, “ gives the whisky an even smoother and inviting taste to be enjoyed by both newcomers to the world of elevated whisky and connoisseurs alike.” 

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