Red Spot Irish Whiskey 750ml

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Ireland- Red Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey has matured for over 15 years in a combination of American Bourbon casks, Spanish sherry butts and Sicilian Marsala wine casks, all contributing in rich and complex flavors, making it the top spot in the range.

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Ireland- Red Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey has matured for over 15 years in a combination of American Bourbon casks, Spanish sherry butts and Sicilian Marsala wine casks, all contributing in rich and complex flavors, making it the top spot in the range.

Ireland- Red Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey has matured for over 15 years in a combination of American Bourbon casks, Spanish sherry butts and Sicilian Marsala wine casks, all contributing in rich and complex flavors, making it the top spot in the range.

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